Indonesia, a country that straddles the equator, is known for its hot, wet, and humid climate. The variations in the climate of different regions of the country are a result of the tropical location and the influence of the winds and ocean currents. In the northern regions of Indonesia, the dry season occurs during the northern hemisphere winters, typically between October and May. This is when the weather is generally dry and less humid. In contrast, the southern regions experience the dry season between May and October, when southeast trade winds blow steadily at around 15 knots, bringing mild and dry climates.
Trip planning in Indonesia follows the dry seasons as the weather conditions are steadier and favorable for guests. The Banda Sea, which covers a large area in the center of the country, is best navigated during the transitional months between seasons, when the sea is at its calmest.
Located between 10 degrees north and 10 degrees south, Indonesia is situated outside of the typhoon and cyclone belt, making it a safe and ideal location to base the yacht and do trips all year round.
The Indonesian Through-flow, a massive movement of water from the Pacific to the Indian Ocean, squeezes through the gaps in the islands, forming deep straits with strong currents. This movement acts as a conveyor belt, delivering a wealth of nutrients to the marine life in Indonesia, thereby supporting the abundant and diverse underwater ecosystem the region is famous for laying in the heart of the Coral Triangle.